Welcome to Capitol.Blog, the home of CAPITOL CONSPIRACY.

CAPTITOL CONSPIRACY documents daily urban fashion news from all corners of the globe.

Based in the UK, we look not only at the latest trends and product releases from around the world but at what’s going on between these four shores.

From a news perspective, UK-based urban fashion brands are often under-represented.

CAPTIOL CONSPIRACY pays special attention to the UK and documents news and new releases from brands that can otherwise go unnoticed.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

1948 - Shoreditch

Capitol Conspiracy paid its first visit today to the newly re-opened Nike Sportswear store 1948 situated just off Shoreditch High St, London.
According to Nike the store, which is also a gallery space, "is the best place to check out the new NSW Collection as well as ‘Tier Zero' products."
In essence 1948 is part retail outlet, part creative playground & plans to host regular events & projects as of this summer.
Go check it out & look out on Capitol Conspiracy for news of these events/projects in the coming months.

Nike 1948
Arches 477/478
Batemans Row

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